adattive - мобильная тема

ever after high theme

Опубликовано: 3028 дней назад ( 8 ноября 2016)
Голосов: 0
They told you everything was waiting for you,
They told you everything was set in stone,
But now you're feeling like a different ending,
Sometimes you gotta find it on your own.

It's an open book,
A road in reverse,
A brand new hook,
Forget that curse!
It's a Rebel cause,
With a Royal heart,
Rewrite, ignite, restart!

Cause it's your life,
It's your time,
Go forward or rewind!

Cause you're a Royal,
You're a Rebel,
You're more than one together,
However you go Ever in Ever After High,
Royal and Rebel,
You're more than one together,
However you go Ever in Ever After High.

Ever After High,
Pick the lock!
Wind the clock!
Turn the tables!
Mix and match until you make your mark!
Now kings and queens are gonna light the skyway,
All you need is a little spark.

No more once upon a time,
No more verse, no more rhyme,
No more permanent ink,
This is not what you think.

It's a Rebel cause,
With a Royal heart,
Rewrite, ignite, restart!

Cause it's your life,
It's your time,
Go forward or rewind!

Cause you're a Royal,
You're a Rebel,
You're more than one together,
However you go Ever in Ever After High,
Royal and Rebel,
You're more than one together,
However you go Ever in Ever After High.

When beauty isn't what it seems,
Sometimes the beast will dare to dream!

Cause it's your life,
It's your time,
Go forward or rewind!

One, two, three!

Cause you're a Royal,
You're a Rebel,
You're more than one together (more than one together),
However you go Ever in Ever After High,
Royal and Rebel,
You're more than one together,
However you go Ever in Ever After High.

Cause you're a Royal (Cause it's your life),
You're a Rebel,
You're more than one together (It's your time!),
However you go Ever in Ever After High,
Royal and Rebel (Go forward!),
You're more than one together,
However you go Ever in Ever After High (Or rewind!).

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